Why this & Why Now? What the Faith!? is a blog that will shed light on the upside-down lunacy in our world. I will present a Common Sense position, a Scientific position and I will wrap things up looking at the topic through the teachings of the true Catholic faith. Along the way, I will also try to dispel many of the rumors and falsehoods that are in the media concerning Catholicism.
Who am I to Do This? Having chosen the Catholic faith later in life (over 40 years spent as an Episcopalian), I was fortunate enough to be blessed with numerous teachers and inspirations that gave me deep insight into the beauty that is the true Catholic faith. I studied it extensively and fell in love with it so strongly that I became a Catechist for the faith and spent 12 years learning and teaching the faith to Confirmation classes in two parishes. Also, I hold degrees in both Biology and Meteorology and will make every attempt to back up what I say from Scientific, Common-Sense and Theological perspectives.
What You’re Gonna See Here: What you’ll see here is not intended to be harsh – just truthful and informative. Understand that one of the foundations of Catholicism – in fact, all Christianity – is that there exists a TRUTH that is external to human experience and cannot be changed. Sometimes that truth may seem harsh or difficult to swallow, so I’ll try to explain both the WHAT and the WHY of that truth. Everything you’ll see posted here is backed up with relevant scriptures or well-known traditions of the Catholic faith for those who want to see or learn more for themselves. Misconceptions will be dispelled, outright lies about the faith exposed, concepts explained and, hopefully, it will be both interesting and fun to read. Notice that I have referred to the Catholic FAITH and not the Catholic CHURCH. Unfortunately, and quite grievously, teachings and actions that are directly contrary to the FAITH and the TRUTH have come from the Catholic Church and its leaders – I pray constantly that these errors may be corrected – please join me in those prayers.
What I Ask of You: All I ask is that you approach the content with an open mind and an open heart. Seek the truth – you will never be disappointed. If you like what you see, let me know. If it’s too academic or hard to understand, tell me and I’ll try to lighten it up. If you disagree, tell me that too – but please do it respectfully and provide something to back up your disagreement so we can start a real dialog. I’ll address as many of these as possible (given real life time constraints), but I won’t waste my time responding if you don’t take the time to back up your position.
Share! I love to hear about faith journeys! Let me know where you are and how you got there – you never know who may be helped along their own path by what you share here!
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